Chapter Nine : ...and down to the earth and
Chapter Ten : New Year's Eve
Write a mini saga for chapter 9/10 in your blog!
Suddenly the band is not succesful. Pete and Joe
drink a lot and shave their heads, they become
At a concert is a fight and Dani and Alex have an
Dani and Alex move to England.
They have a new band: "The dolphins".
They celebrate New Year's Eve.
Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2007
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007
Chapter Eight : Up to the top ...
Read chapter 8. Which situation was most exciting or
interesting? Give your opinion in about 3-5 sentences
(ONLY). Then invite your blog team members (BTM) to
give their opinion. You should go to all your BTM to say
what you think about their findings.
My Blog Team: Laura, Alina, Jana, Josi (and me ;) )
So my BTM!
In my opinion, it was really interesting to read the situation,
when they were at Byron Bay and looked to the dolphins. It
was excited to see how the realationship between Alex and
Dani delveloped. That they were a couple and so on and that
he had learned, that Dani had good reasons for the things she
said. (compare page 48/line 21-22)
I find it good, that Alex learned to respect Danis opinion and
that they became to be a couple!
What do you think about this?
Read chapter 8. Which situation was most exciting or
interesting? Give your opinion in about 3-5 sentences
(ONLY). Then invite your blog team members (BTM) to
give their opinion. You should go to all your BTM to say
what you think about their findings.
My Blog Team: Laura, Alina, Jana, Josi (and me ;) )
So my BTM!
In my opinion, it was really interesting to read the situation,
when they were at Byron Bay and looked to the dolphins. It
was excited to see how the realationship between Alex and
Dani delveloped. That they were a couple and so on and that
he had learned, that Dani had good reasons for the things she
said. (compare page 48/line 21-22)
I find it good, that Alex learned to respect Danis opinion and
that they became to be a couple!
What do you think about this?

After reading chapter 7:
1. Comment on the following quote: "And, of course,
Alex understood only too well." (p.43, l.33)
2. Write a different ending of the chapter: "That
night, when Alex had gone to sleep, TOM picked up
his diary and began writing." (compare p.43, l.34f)
1. In this chapter, Alex and Tom got to know each other. Tom
explained Alex, why he left his mom, because he didn't want
to become an adult. And while Alex spend the time with Tom,
Alex understand what Tom meant.
2. That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, Tom picked up his
diary and began writing.
Friday, 8 Feburary
Now, Alex is for a month in Australia. Today he asked
me questions, why I left him and his mom and that it
must had so bored with them. I was really shocked!
Why he thought something like that?! I tried to explain
it to him and I think he understood me.
I am really sorry, for that what I've done. But I can't
turn back time! And I was so young....
I hope he can forgive me...
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